Chapter 9 Live Blogging!
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Reactions and comments from my sixth hour Honors American Literature class.
My favorite place in the world to be is underwater. My second favorite place is the front of a classroom.
Why did Nick side with Gatsby after Gatsby had taken advantage of him?
He considers himself the only honest person he knows, and perhaps that is because of his distorted vision of truth. I think that Nick does a decent job of telling the story void of any bias, because he seems to rarely be directly involved in the dramas in the story.
I think that Nick tells the story from the inside, and goes to all the parties to have something to tell. He wants to be involved even though he may not be like the others
I agree Nick is a good narrator who gives the fact and doesn't add his own opinion often.
I disagree with Corey, I think that Nick is a trustworthy character. He portrays neither his family (Tom and Daisy) and his friend(Gatsby) in a flattering light. He just seems to be a little biased towards Gatsby because he know's Gatsby is a more moral man than Tom.aaronj
In response to Tori's comment: How is Nick unlike the others?
I'm not sure if I can trust Nick or not. He seems like he is telling the truth when he is telling his story, but he is biased towards Gatsby.
Kristen, perhaps Nick admired Gatsby. Nick saw that Gatsby had taken a chance to attain true love and, therefore, wasn't too upset that he had been taken advantage of? He could have seen himself as part of a bigger cause.
Lindsay- I disagree with Ryan. I think that through out the book he talks about Gatsby like he is great but then at the end he says that he never really liked him. So he lies even about himself so how do we know if he is n ot lying about others?
I think Nick sides with Gatsby because unlike Gatsby he is a good person and he might believe in second chances. On the other hand, he may just be shallow or in need of a friend, and Gatsby is a good option.
To address logan's comment, Nick is different from the others because he has absolutely no impact on the story. For example, if you take Nick out of the story, the outcome is still the same. The individual events may change, but overall, Nick really has no role. That is why he makes a good narrator. He is not really part of the plot.
To Logan: I think that Nick was never rich and in the same social circle as everyone else in their town. He only got into it because of Daisy.
Lindsay- Brian, did Gatsby really find true love?
I agree with Christine in the fact that he is looking for a friend and he sides with Gatsby. he fact that he is kind of a loner shows a satisfaction towards him.
I defnetly think that Gatsby is the only hope int he story. His hope is what makes him such a mysterious character. He lives in this world of darkness but throughout the whole story maintains this hopeful mind set
Nick is definatly biased at times but he seems to even out in the big picture. If he is biased toward one side then later he is biased toward the other side.
Christine- I don't think that Gatsby is a bad person exactly. I don't think he's perfect, but I don't think he has bad intentions. He has lived his life trying to attain true love... how can that justify a bad person?
I think Gatsby has made poor decisions, but he is a good person at heart.
I agree with Brian. Nick really didn't have any friends and he was so desperate that he didn't really care. Also, he admired Gatsby for having so many friends that he just didn't care.
Tori and Lindsay! Yes, we agree with Matt. That's a good point we hadn't thought about that. Even though he doesn't affect the story, he promotes or insults characters
Christine: I agree with you that Nick believes in second chances. Throughout the novel the Midwest is portrayed as a boring area, but an area with morals which is completely inverse to the fun, immoral Northeast. Both Nick and Gatsby are from the Midwest, and therefore they are Fitzgerald's embodiment of morals, while Tom and Daisy who are immersed in the Northeastern life style are the epitome of a corrupted morality.
I agree with what christine said about Gatsby just needing a friend. He obviously doesn't like a lot of the stuff Gatsby does, but nevertheless, condones it. That is the reason Nick gets involved in a lot of the events going on.
I disagree with Matt, Nick is a very important part of the story. If he had not gotten Gatsby and Daisy together again, Gatsby might still be pining for her at one of his parties and he might not have gotten mixed up in all of Tom and Daisy's stuff. It could have altered all of the events and maybe some people would still be alive.
Numerous literary criticisms state that while The Great Gatsby is about Gatsby's quest for happiness and 'the American dream' it is also about Nick's quest to define himself. I believe this, and with it, I also think that as Nick discovers himself throughout the novel, he becomes a better, less biased narrator.
Logan- I have to disagree. I think that he had good intentions but that does not mean he is a good person. He spent so much time trying to attain Daisy that his motivation became for personal gain and not so that DAISY AND GATSBY could be happy together. He wanted he because he knew it would make him happy but did not stop to consider that she might not be happy.
Matt is totally cute, anyone agree?
Tori, Gatsby was on the path of obtaining true love but his adventure was cut short because of his death. Even if he didn't ever attain true love, Nick saw that he had a chance and didn't want to be a/the reason Gatsby didn't ever experience it.
PS: Aaron, I agree
Hannah, Gatsby really didn't have any true friends as no one showed up to his funeral. So Nick's admiraration is false.
Nick definitly finds himself as a person and as a narrator and he begins to become less and less of an important charcter as the story moves along.
To matt l's comment: Do you really think Nick had no impact on the story? I think that if Gatsby had never met Nick, he would have never found the courage to approach Daisy. I think Nick is a faint reflection of who Gatsby could have been without loving Daisy. Daisy gave Gatsby an obsession, a reason to be irrational. Without Daisy I think Gatsby could have been Nick.
Matt is cute! :)
Brian, I don't think that Gatsby was ever on the path to true love. He was superficially in love with the idea of Daisy
I agree with Michelle. Without Nick Gatsby never approaches Daisy and the whole story never happens.
I agre with Ryan S. because even though he was there during all of the events he was not involved, he was just a spectator. A sports fan can be at a game to narrate the game but does not have any impact on the events of the game.
Logan-I agree with Kristin, and I disagree with his "good intentions" His intentions may have let him win in the end, but they were selfish, and only focused on him. Gatsby didn't consider the effect on Tom or Daisy, and how his intentions could hurt them.
Sarah- You said Nick grew as a person, was Gatsby the catalyst for that growth?
Kristin- Alight, you convinced me, sort of.
I don't know if Nick did or didn't have an impact. It would be interesting to read the story if it was rewritten without Nick.
Kristin is a total Genyus! I think that Nick has no purpose other than to reintroduce Gatz and Daisy, and then narrate THEIR story, not his own.
I agree that Nick did have a big impact on the story. The whole story wouldn't happen without him.
Aaron--I agree. Wow...good conversation.
To everyone ganging up on me:
Yes, he didn't do the right thing, but I don't think he was trying to harm them. All he knew was he wanted Daisy. He was doing all that anyone could ever do: try to satisfy themselves, even if they have unexplainable or unjustifiable desires.
What do you think about Gatsby? Is he a hero, or a criminal, or just a poor lost soul?
I think parts of Gatsby must be admired, for someone who can dream and fantasize can rise above the world they live in. Gatsby was able to dream and make the most of his life, though the purpose of his life seems superficial (i.e.going after Daisy).
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